Arctic Pulse by the project Arctic Music Circles 

The Arctic Music Circles project continues and expand the work we started in the Arctic Pulse project (2019-2022). The project aims to engender new forms of music collaboration, visibility and branding as well as and lasting structures for the needs of Arctic music sector. The core of the project is in rotative working methods to establish genuine, in-depth collaboration between the project partners and stakeholders in the field of music in Interreg Aurora program area  to develop the regions creative industries together in an enduring network of music producers and organizers.

We will build music networks and bring unique culture experiences to audiences and visitors in the Arctic Region of Northern Scandinavia.

Arctic Music Circles consists of three work packages:

WP1: Arctic Music Network -  enhancing the collaboration in Arctic music sector across the borders.

WP2: World Music of Arctic Europe - highlighting Sámi and linguistic minority groups music with talent and repertoire development in the field of world music.

WP3: Branding the Arctic Pulse - building a common cultural brand for the need of Arctic music marketing and promotion.

Besides forming a basis of networking with conference meetings and working groups, the project concentrates largely in co-creating together. One of the goals is to construct a three-level tour and concert support model, which adds more support in the first year of collaboration and reduces thus the risk in testing new ideas. We lead the artists, producers and organizers to a dialogue and facilitate new forms of artistic processes and productional collaboration with training opportunities, curated music programs and selected tour and concert experiences. To weave the story of Arctic music in one fabric, we cultivate the brand of Arctic Pulse further and establish a shared marketing concept for Northern music, under which all project activities are communicated. As a project outcome, Arctic Music Circles presents a permanent framework for music collaboration in the Arctic European area.


Project partners:
Norrbottensmusiken, Sweden (Lead Partner EU)
City of Oulu, Finland
Novia Jakobstad, Finland
Scene Nord, Norway
Musikk i Nordland, Norway
Nordnorsk Jazzsenter, Norway

Project period:
Until 31.8.2026

1,9 million EUR

EU/Interreg Aurora
Region Norrbotten (SE)
Luleå kommun (SE)
City of Oulu (FI)
Novia (FI)
Interreg Norway
Troms County Council (NO)
Nordlands County Council (NO)